Call for papers
OCTOBER 17-20, 2017
UFPB – João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
SOCINE (Brazilian Society for Cinema and Audiovisual Studies) announces its call for proposals for the XXI SOCINE 2017 Annual Meeting, which is to be held at the Fedreal University of Paraíba (UFPB) – João Pessoa, PB, Brazil. The theme of the 2017 edition will be The state of the critique.

Beyond aesthetical evaluation, film critique has played the lead, in many countries, in the construction of a new model of curatorship, which confuses itself with the effort to preserve the memory of cinematic production. In Brazil, the work of Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes and Francisco Luís de Almeida Salles in the press of São Paulo concurs with their endeavor to create the Brazilian Cinematheque, which is a pivotal institution to the development of studies on films, filmmakers, and regional film cycles.

In Rio de Janeiro, the influential figure of Antonio Moniz Vianna partakes in the creation of the Cinematheque of the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM). Thanks to his curatorial effort, the generation that later on initiated the Cinema Novo had access to the classics of world cinema in the retrospectives of American, French and Italian cinema. Moniz Vianna also took part in the foundation of the Nacional Institute of Cinema (INC), which was the genesis of Embrafilme, and in the International Film Festival, which was a momentous event in the second half of the 1960’s.

Inspired by the São Paulo model of institutionalizing film production, Linduarte Noronha managed to launch the University Film Services (Serviço do Cinema Universitário) at the Federal University of Paraíba, but the project was aborted by the dictatorship of 1964. His importance as critic and filmmaker (he directed the classic Aruanda) contributed to reshaping the role of Northeastern Brazil in the national cinema: both as film scenery and as the cradle of socially engaged filmmakers.

This evident exchange between critique and filmmaking, which even produces the critic-filmmaker synthesis (there are countless examples in the history of cinema), constitutes a crucial subject for inquiry in film and audiovisual studies. To think, thus, of the critique activity as a major lever for curatorial and institutional movements that promote film production and film studies is an extremely relevant challenge, especially in times of political obscurantism, when the critical endeavor is fundamental to explore new aesthetical and cultural horizons.

Having all that in mind, the XXI SOCINE Annual Meeting calls for papers concerned with, but not limited to, the following topics: How can we think of the state of film critique in conjunction with the contemporary political, economic and aesthetical crises? What is the influence, to the academic formation in Brazil, of film critics in the intersection between journalism and academia? How do critique and curatorship concoct together strategies for preserving the memory of Brazilian cinema?  In times of proliferation of information and of opinions forged in the internet and social networks, what is the role of critique regarding the discussion of the deep questions of current film culture? How can comparative research of texts and films, in the case of a critic-filmmaker, shed light on her aesthetical choices and preferences? Considered as a form of reception, what are the theoretical and methodological challenges of thinking about the relationship between work and critique?

We hereby elucidate that this is a non-exclusive suggestive theme; the 2017 Conference Program Committee welcomes quality proposals on any topic related to film and media studies.

Applications should be chosen among the four categories below, according to the following requirements:

1. Oral Papers: Proposals from MA holders, PhD students/candidates, or PhD holders, containing title (up to 70 characters), extended summary (of up to 4000 characters with space), abstract (up to 500 characters), bibliography (up to 1000 characters), and author bio (up to 500 characters). Oral presentations should last up to 20 minutes each.

2. Thematic Seminars: Proposals from MA students, MA holders, PhD students/candidates or PhD holders must be made with the direct indication of the chosen seminar (the list of seminars is available on the website), and must contain title (up to 70 characters), extended summary (of up to 4000 characters with space), abstract (up to 500 characters), bibliography (up to 1000 characters), and author bio (up to 500 characters). Oral presentations should last up to 20 minutes each. Important notice: given that each seminar includes up to 18 presentations, seminar proposals might be approved and yet not included in any seminar session due to this limitation. In this case, all approved proposals not allocated in the seminar sessions will be automatically moved to other categories according to the proponent’s academic degree: MA students will be moved to discussion panels, while MA holders, PhD students/candidates and PhD holders will be moved to oral paper sessions.  

3. Pre-organized Roundtables: Each roundtable should have 3 participants, of which at least two PhD holders from different institutions and a third member that might be a MA holder, a PhD holder, or a PhD student/candidate who does not have a supervisor/supervisee relationship with any other member of the roundtable. Proposals for roundtables must contain: title (up to 70 characters) and summary of the table’s proposal (up to 1000 characters), which the coordinator of the table is responsible for, as well as title (up to 70 characters), extended summary (of up to 4000 characters with space), abstract (up to 500 characters), bibliography (up to 1000 characters), and author bio (up to 500 characters) for each individual proposal composing the table. Presentations should last up to 20 minutes each. Proposals for Pre-organized Roundtables should be submitted individually (following the model above established for Oral Papersby each one of the three participants of the table (including the coordinator), at a moment subsequent to the table’s submission.

4. Panels: an exclusive category for MA students, consisting of 10-minute presentations for each participant. Proposals should contain title (up to 70 characters), extended summary (of up to 4000 characters with space), abstract (up to 500 characters), bibliography (up to 1000 characters), and author bio (up to 500 characters).

To apply and register for the XXI SOCINE Annual Conference, one should take the following steps:

STEP 1 – Register or update your profile at the SOCINE website (starting March 1st). Foreigners must contact us by email for further information about the payment of the annual fee.

STEP 2 – Electronic submission of proposals; only through the website ( and only one application per author, including cases of coauthoring.
  • Application submission period: March 5 – March 31.
STEP 3 – Register in the event, in case your paper was admitted. Foreigners must contact us by email for further information about the payment of the admission fee.
  • Registration period: June 5 – August 7.

Should you have any question, please write to

Board of Directors

Call for papers – 2017 SOCINE Annual Meeting

Category: News